
My Favorite Products for My Hair

What Is My Hair Like Naturally?
     My hair is naturally a wavy medium brown color that turns rather red during the summer months. It is semi-fine and pretty strong. However, I do tend to have a problem with my hair turning stringy and oily. 

What Led Me To My "Amazing Product" Search?    
     Over the past few months my poor hair has been on a roller coaster ride. It has been re-colored multiple times, color-stripped, bleached, toned, and re-colored. Yes, I know- BAD me! However there was a series of events that led up to all of those terrible hair crimes. Anyway, after all of this I had to find some serious hair doctoring products.

The Products That Saved My Poor Hair
     After all of this my hair was very dry and brittle, but I still couldn't use really heavy product because they weighed down my hair and made it oily after a few hours of wear. So basically I had to have light products that conditioned and moisturized well.


My Daily (and Nightly) Facial Products

I Have Used Everything.
     Literally. From honey and vinegar, to Pro-Active and rubbing alcohol. In the last year my level of stress has been much higher, and more constant. So I know that much of my acne is the product of my stress level.
Okay, so aside from lowering my stress level,
These Are My (Current) Favorite Skin Care Products:
     Through all of my skin trials and tribulations I have found that gentle is best. Especially, since my skin doesn't heal quickly, so I have to treat it nicely.